The more often you read this sentence, the more likely you are to believe it’s true.
Tell me I’m wrong…
I’ve said many times before that great campaigns are single minded, simple and memorable.
But they are also repeated, over and over again.
The same message, consistently delivered over time, across all media.
A strong brand promise lies at the heart of any decent marketing strategy.
It’s incredibly important.
Remember that consistency IN ITSELF is part of the brand promise your business must deliver on.
And consistency of brand messaging enables customers to form a solid opinion OVER TIME of your brand promise.
When brands chop and change their advertising, the customer loses sight of what they can expect.
They get confused.
And confused customers don’t buy stuff.
Nike’s ‘Just do it’ ads have been running since 1988.
Ronseal have been doing exactly what it says on the tin since 1994.
We can rely on the consistency of the message, ergo – we can rely on the consistency of the product.
And the more often we see the brand in action, the more likely we are to buy into it – and then buy it.
Step 1 – clarity of message.
Step 2 – repeat, repeat, repeat.
Step 3 – repeat Step 2.