Delivering messages that resonate

What problem are you solving for your customers? If you don’t understand your customer, you’ll fail to deliver a message that resonates.
Delivering messages that resonate

What problem are you solving for your customers?

When you’re considering the best way to promote your product or brand, start with that question.

Focus on their problem, understand what they think or feel about it.

Don’t know?

Talk to them. Do the research.

If you don’t understand your customer, you’ll fail to deliver a message that resonates.

We live in an over-communicated society. There’s just too much noise out there – we’re exposed to thousands of marketing messages every day.

We can’t hope to cut through the noise unless our message is RELEVANT.

Your brand positioning, your message to market – needs to resonate.

That’s step 1. Make sure your message has meaning for your target customer.

Step 2?

Understand how your competitors are addressing the same customer problem.

If they’re saying the same thing, then you need to find a different, equally relevant problem that you can offer a solution to, or deliver your message more powerfully, or more often.

Outsmart them or outspend them.

If you’re challenging the market leader, outspending them is probably not an option.

So get smart.

Find a way to occupy a position in the customer’s head that’s more meaningful to them.

Understand your customer. Understand your competition.

Do these 2 things, and you’re on your way to delivering better marketing communications.